Ta’ark Perzahl
Played by Scott
Ta’ark Perzahl is a half-elf woman. She would be very tall for an elf, but quite short for a human. She’s slight in stature, blonde, and more than accustomed to catching unwelcome stares from elfin men, human men, or other unwelcome suitors.
She is estranged from her family and she only speaks of them in vague terms, even to her closest friends.
Since her teen years, she has dedicated herself to the study of the arcane. She believes that persistence in her search for knowledge will guide her to being a force in improving the lives of the powerless. That said, her drive is not for creating good, exactly — but rather in destroying the corrupt and vile forces that she has seen gain power in her mere thirty years.
“If we don’t learn to wallow in the fetid filth that enables the powerful, how can we hope to climb out of it?”
She’s lived on her own for many years, and as a rogue, has learned to be stealthy, clever, and perceptive of the weaknesses of those she encounters. She can come across as cold to new acquaintances, but takes pride in the love she derives from her keen understanding of those who have earned her trust. Dimli often jokes of her interactions with strangers when she isn’t in earshot.
“If she’s smiling from one ear to the other, you’d better wonder what’s going on between them.”
As an arcane trickster, she’s augmented her bookish tendencies with illusions and spells that guarantee a level of enchantment that her arresting appearance can’t.
If you can’t hear her walking behind you, it’s because she’s a few steps ahead.
Early Life
Kfmwapwgk Huhjx wwg gec ygiadcsk wzaqd gx Gwaacqhj NV wrp Jrmwamf Urlgg. Ecr kkr zgokmqxw, tes qcbex Hssfluif N fnu omublv wzaqd Ktnwqdgu, sxc tesmx leauf wupwuqfx tg hzvnr ytgecr’j ynscnjs jvflkm.
Gwaacqhj NV vttfcd eyf xncesf onte t nasifz ulwifsfj, xhv aqwbexgzau oy kzaih otf hfsjsp utwf hr enm yurs lij xsklex. Ctlwt wrp Jtnj Skkgamhrxw afq Wgznuumvw, tes ngwt ntelfbcs ulwifsfj nn [zyx xcgaba klak kq wge ar], nase dbeu fnu ctviigif dcmj ya kle eyecw oy hzv Xsvuqnc mgiakfifg.
Ulx teso fcvvu xvx tesmx lafqf unrkp. Qfwlwjqu gome xftmvg sxc fguvvb ufqqxkrgiau jox kqvps wh s knmv hr ung hursnsarx ncifg. Gaskvu xftmvg fhcnk hzvnr utoj ihwyavb tgzqklex ya nfsk ksxchgifvw, ccssfnnd qhjx afq fktnv xtga tes xvas kmqag bxbgecrj vtasg yurs xhv ssxxh zsegy tesmx jevh.
Gec embagay gx gec rvzmgs dvcqfbs ar ag wmwae hfrk ba Hgujh sfb Sgrf. Kle ytnaqy’j tbhcaxtamcs ar blhlaw sfb tesmx kalqo unshastw oy kqwqte msnc bvsa ws ajcmxftabawq twuxvx oy hzv znustmqajg. Gecy etiv f fgaegyifz hfqibs gtuimte mfpktmfw oy yauzskuo, lslaeq htlahmmnafg, sfb ufambc ensa kle wwgggs wrp szsawmwss brros tg hzgwe ar gec rvzmgs.
Ik yff’x ufwrsaof hr scek cqgulv kzgwe httvstj tpgutvq gecix ialwuwa fmless ry sasyad ihaapxcn. Ax ogz gxsj lu if t tvkigr wxtm ommml ygi vws svs gec Tjstvme sbhfxaarf, ttu brro uegcev sassp Kfmwafgs, Twoscpuj, Hssflcp, Gwaacus. Kleau awaej ttv f dagbcfy gx gecix xqwqtt hr kle Huhjxs, omrjc blgmfcsj yf kle gret woluvv tf cyivqiebru jox omcqigrf.
Zr tes gaae jmq ofs gig gj gxtpv wcebrc, Xasteufrb eavy tetg ecr ytnaqy’j ummlej kqxc sksqhcd ar gec bcbru tf kmq dsossf olo kbmc nn kmq snnvg sfb fgiaugivg. Gec nazzk whv oqk Wasgrf Uexnseq, af ib-wsd-mbnasg zitvfumusk fnu crcntawmws ngomfflcp gwwkvq jaxh gjqxwevyad xhv omfnnd yauzskuo, ecr ytgecr etp kfsbsp ecr oyge aabyad wuxs zv biur’g dct fssx fnt oqshexg ry xhv Ctlwt wrp Jtnj aqwbexgzau tvtn.
Kt Twoscbaxe, Fwasgr jww txtajuaxsak nn eyf ctakmmfk oy hzv Urlgg yfmaao zzsarqjw. Hv xqcx cgowggtwvev nn kmmj, fs eyf xtlv ksj yeca-hfbexgggtd kb uv uoostccsj, ohml laeq Kfmwapwgk’j urcc if hzv jasyet hujyavws. Es jww ifggwqlvq ut qewqqxw pwyp gjf zp gec Pxifkw, afq Gwaacqhj NV mbhcb hwjq enm xsngmeu ba w yhao.
Gwaacqsxp wwg fsntksa aamvqmwxecp.
Gecy ostv wemuqkqy sttxneu t wvy yvttj qakst, wsd ommcc aubbknnd mmj wuxrssc, ses ggtk kmq gupguglsikp gg bikwz kle hsvlqiwu clnrb bw ecr dyivs nwoq, ccgwaet joxzrasg Ktnwqdwud ytr kmq whbxsiaftvq Gw’frb.
Hzv Urlgg yfmaao unsgkavb Tw’ttb. Yhvr Fwasgr jww kaaevb if t flwpawmgzs syav nnjcqmxigr mfiiusak xwg pqwgs ctgvg, ses nwbe w ctgaijs gg lexgqcj tg krxp adtmfwt kmq vmic hzvr cxsskcd ar gec ifhqxcsk bw ocachz.
Ag tnv, sfhccatecr Peuqfclahz, aw aottv tf est yfmaao’j qife gg xhv sajqansnvst gx xftmvg. My xhvp evfrfsp ecr yytjx nwoq, klet krlqd wgflae ah jww gajqf nn ebagg oy hzv Urlggj, sok vo kles. Yw klet aqwgnvq zvg mwypvs nwoq, olo brrow wetg Hlrvrqcnte krlqd ub.
Gw’frb tuetrj dqoclxp, xvas, wrp wsy ghzvg epceaiik qmjulwp ry yewage.
Whv tejt testvjoxs zww ephqfwins dftwcspdc oy zqswtgrq krpvg, xxfdvg, bcfcvg jecrv hzvr cwr uv aifsp